Thursday, 9 February 2012

Im so full I can't move.

Went back to Jules Ferry today to have dinner with everyone! We did a raceltte! I took some celebrations in (im too kind I know!)

I really do love this school.


Written on Tuesday 7th February 2012.

Last Tuesday, I had to look after a boy from somewhere in the UK.  He was in one of my schools for a week, and all of a sudden loads of people came into the staff room where I was with him with a police man?! I thought uhoh! Whats gone on! Anyway, he went and came back after a little while with a lady who wanted to talk French to me, even though she spoke English and I do, anyway, in the end I said im English too! So she was then asking me in English the same questions she asked me in French.  Interesting.. anyway, I still had no idea who this woman was.  She left with Will, and then he came back with another lady, who then wanted to take a picture of me and Will…. I didn’t say no, I just went with it. Anyway, they left and I said to Will, who were they?! They ended up being his teachers who came to stay to make sure the children on exchange were okay! Anyway, I then asked, so where will that picture be going?! He said oh it’ll be put up on the notice board for a while I would have thought, and then he said “ideally I didn’t want you in my picture; I wanted a French teacher, or a class of French children with me!” I thought that was really nice.  I should have said “ideally, I didn’t want you following me in my classes all day.” And then punched him in the visage. Oh well. So at the moment, I’m sat in the staff room In Jules ferry writing this to put onto my blog later on this evening!
 I had 3 teachers for the English lesson today! Not a great turn out! I thought there would be more, as there is usually about… 10-12!  But the snow must have put them off.  It would have put me off. I don’t like snow.  This morning, there wasn’t any heating in half the school. And it just so happened to be the half all my classes were in! It was 10degrees in the classes.  The staffroom is like a sauna compared to them.  One teacher had a good idea to bring his class into the staffroom! But then I had to go into another room after my first lesson, so I decided to go into the library! I sat there quietly and wrote in my book about what had happened in the morning.  Im keeping a book of what I do every day in the school and what happens, so I can look back on what I did, ideally this was for that, but I figured writing it down in a book would be quicker during the day, and easier as I don’t have my laptop with me for 2 schools, but because I have so many big breaks (BIG BREAK!) I bring it in to do some work on my disserta…. I cant even write the word it annoys me that much.  I wish I could write it like I’m writing this.  That would be amazing. But nevermind.  One day it will be finished! And then I can say “ohhh yeahhhh”.  Ideally I would have liked to have finished it before I leave France, but I can’t see that happening. One can dream. This dream has GOT to come true.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

If you like me, then say you like me. Mix up.

Havent been here for a while now, so I thought i'd make a return. So, an update on la vie en France. J'aime bien. I now to go Zumba classes which I REALLY love! Every Saturday. I went last week with one of the teachers from Les Gachots. This week I went on my own (on my bike ofcourse) to discover she wasn't actually there.. But I was talking to this other lady who seemed nice and was asking me about everything I was doing here. We dance to lots of different songs. My fave is the salsa pink pantha song - look it up. Its pretty groovy.

I have recently discovered some new songs. We the kings- If you like me, then say you like me. (And others but this is my prefered song en ce moment).  Wouldnt change a thing - Camp Rock 2. Yes im 21...

Next Saturday (27th of Januray I think) im off to the pantomine! Beauty and The Beast! Looking forward to that. Going with one of Dianes friends daughter, Kaylee.

A couple of weeks ago I was told I was given an extra month in France! I finish on the 31st of mai. Im so happy =D Not sure some people are happy with the decision, but I know I am. I know im being selfish.

Tomorrow is Sunday. Im thinking of going for another run! Im doing all this fitness stuff and still eating mass chocolate... Its bad I know, but I can't help it! I went for a run the other day and I literally killed myself! My whole body was aching. I went on a half hour run, non stop! And usually, for me I run for a while and then walk and then run, but I wanted to keep on going! Im just too keen! wikiwiki.

Went for a tapas meal the other day with the other assistantes. One girl is Spanish so I was thinking of asking her if she wanted to meet up and help me speak spanish and I help her with her english! Hopefully that can happen! But as she was Spanish, it was really good as we were alll talking French to eachother, even when we weren't talking to her,we were talking in French! It was so good! :) 

I guess I best get back to doing some work now. I really dont want to. I might just keep listening to songs and pretend to be working. Humf. One day my dissertation WILL be complete. Only another few million words to go..

PS reasoning for title - Fave song, but mix up of my recent few weeks ici en France apres les vacanes de noel. 

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Children are clearly all horses.

A teacher in Jules Ferry keeps clicking her tongue like you would do to get a horses attention. Its annoying.
This post is going to be short as I'm not well.
I hope you enjoyed it.
I doubt anyone is reading it anyway.
The end.
10 days till home. EEK! ;D

Monday, 21 November 2011

Please leave your message after the tone.

Monday. A day I really do dis like. Not because its Monday and all its sterotypical-ness, but because I have to teach in a school I dont like. However, the train service from here to where my school is, often has a week or 2 of repairs. It started today. I arrived at the station at 12 o'clock. The next train was at 17h10. I finnish teaching at 4o'clock. I missed the bus. I was stranded. Now me being me, I panic. Not as much as I would usually. I rang Nathalie to tell her I couldnt get there. She said "ring the school directly and let them know". So, I did as I was told, and rang the school. It was busy, so I waited a min and rang again. I then listen to a "hello, its Fabienne here, please leave your message after the tone." So I did. I told her that I wouldnt be able to get to the school.

So instead of going to school today. I began to start my dissertation. When I say began, I looked in the ASOS sale for a dress for a party in December. And then I decided to tell the world of my day so far. So, nothing of the disssertation has been completed as of yet... or started for that matter. I have a proposal! So I just gotta move my bum and get into gear. I guess this is where I say ciao! And hope that the head of the school doesnt hate me even more than she does already... Anyway, no my fault.


Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Its like home from home!

Now, where I live in Toulouse is a VERY small place. The town isnt really a town. Id call it 'a place with a tabac, a hairdressers, a TINY bar, a pizza place and an estate agents". Anyway, recently the tabac has changed hands! (Apparently the old geeza there wasn't very nice at all) so now a lady and a man run it. Ive been in once to get some credit and a postcard for my little susie. Anyway, I digress (as usual). I was sat with Diane and Steve the other night watching the news, and I heard a helicopter. Now thats not unusual for here as I live near an airport, so I hear airplanes often enough, so I thought nothing of it. The next day at work (yesterday (Tuesday) at Jules Ferry) the teachers were saying "did you hear about what happened at Brax last night?! And everyone said no? So then they explained that there were LOADS of police with guns etc and they had blocked off the centre (or as its knows to me the "place with a tabac, a hairdressers, a TINY bar, a pizza place and an estate agents").( I FORGOT THE PHARMACIE) So as soon as I got in, I said to Diane, have you heard what happened? And she said no whats gone on! But I didnt know.... neither did the teachers! Well today Diane had a hair appointment in the centre of Brax! And hairdressers seem to know EVERYTHING and this one told Diane what happened! Apparently the man who runs the tabac now was help up at gun point for the money in the till. They fired a shot, but didnt shoot at him or anything. They took the monkey and got off with it. Then the police came and surrounded the area with their guns and their helicop! It sounds like and episode of Road Wars! I hope theyve made a new series of road wars for when I return. I miss a good ep of road wars... im sad I know. So yes! Its like home from home! So if im home alone now, im going to lock the door! I dont want to be put up at gun pount for my possesions!

I suppose I could have made the story shorter by saying what had happened, but I like to tell a good story.
The end.

There's always one..

So at rainbows tonight, I can tell one little girl doesnt like me. Everytime I asked her to do something, she'd say "can I ask Pam?" I said "yeah sure!" I asked her if she wanted to take her bit of artwork home with her. She said "Can I ask Pam?" Kids eh. Who'd work with 'em.

Rant over..